Un avion de vânătoare tip MiG-29 aparţinând Forţelor Aeriene ale Rusiei s-a prăbuşit astăzi în apropiere de Astrakhan. Pilotul de vânătoare şi-a pierdut viaţa, a anunţat şeful Forţelor Aeriene, General Locotenent Viktor Bondarev.
“A pilot has been killed in a fighter crash,” “We are investigating this incident and, according to preliminary data, the crash was caused by air equipment failure,”
Nu au existat distrugeri la sol provocate de prăbuşirea avionului, a precizat purtătorul de cuvânt al ministerului rus al Apărării, General Maior Igor Konashenkov pentru Itar-Tass.
“A fighter of the Air Force combat training and tactical employment went out of control and fell 30 kilometres northeast of the city of Astrakhan in a steppe. It has caused not destruction on the ground,”
“The flight supervisor gave the pilot a command to eject. However, the pilot, trying to save the aircraft, remained at the steering wheel and was killed [in the crash],”
A declarat Konashenkov.
– Iulian Iamandi –
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