Primul fuselaj central pentru F-35 contruit in Turcia a fost livrat de Turkish Aerospace Industries catre Lockheed Martin si Northrop Grumman.
TAI a prezentat fuselajul centratl in cadrul unei ceremonii organizate in fabrica de la Ankara. Componenta va fi folosita la constructia unui avion F-35 de catre Lockheed Martin in Texas.
“Delivery of the first F-35 center fuselage is a major step by TAI to demonstrate its commitment to adding value to the (F-35) program,” a declarat Muharrem Dortkasli, presedinte si CEO al TAI, care a mai spus:
“TAI invested in brand new, state-of-the-art facilities, machinery, equipment and tooling to manufacture the most advanced and complex assembly of the F-35, fifth-generation fighter aircraft.
“It is now time to begin delivering world-class TAI center fuselages to the final production line at an increasing rate every year.”
TAI produce fuselaje centrale pentru F-35 ca si subcontractor al Northrop Grumman, precum si:
“center fuselage metallic assemblies for the F-35A, selected composite components for all F-35 variants, composite air inlet ducts for F-35A, and air-to-ground alternate mission pylons for all F-35 variants.”
Atunci cand programul F-35 va atinge rata de productie maxima, turcii vor trimite in SUA si Italia trei fuselaje centrale pe luna.
“This is a great achievement for the Northrop Grumman-TAI team,” “We worked hand-in-hand to manufacture the first center fuselage, following established processes implemented by Northrop Grumman on our own assembly line in California. Together, we are driving down costs and raising efficiencies to help the F-35 program meet its affordability goals.”
A declarat Brian Chappel, vice presidente al programului F-35 la Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems.
Sursa: UBI
– Iulian Iamandi –
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