Frumosul, puternicul, însă bătrânul F-4 Phantom II

Turcia a modificat ROE-urile (Rules of Engagement) pentru unităţile militare care operează de-a lungul frontierei cu Siria, în urma doborârii unui avion turcesc de către apărarea antiaeriană siriană.

Deşi Turcia nu a anunţat că va răspunde militar în urma incidentului de săptămâna trecută, schimbarile ROE vor permite militarilor turci să deschidă focul asupra unităţilor militare siriene care se apropie de graniţa comună.

“Any military element that approaches the Turkish border from Syria by posing a security risk and danger will be regarded as a threat and treated as a military target,”

– a anunţat premierul turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan în parlamentul Turciei.

“No one should be deceived by our cold-blooded stance. Our acting with common sense should not be perceived as a weakness.”  “…We will continue to be a burning torment for those who have adopted a hostile attitude toward Turkey.”

Erdogan, în discursul adresat Consiliului Nord Atlantic a declarat:

“We consider this act to be unacceptable and condemn it in the strongest terms. It is another example of the Syrian authorities’ disregard for international norms, peace and security, and human life.

“Our thoughts at this difficult time are with the missing Turkish aircrew, their families and their loved ones. We continue to follow the situation closely and with great concern, and will remain seized of developments on the South-Eastern border of NATO.

“The security of the alliance is indivisible. We stand together with Turkey in the spirit of strong solidarity.”

Sursa: Defence Management Journal

Iu-huu! … ca să zic aşa.

– Resboiu –