
MiG-21 LanceR “5724” decoland de pe Borcea

Acestea, dar cu tastatura in romaneste, au fost cuvintele ministrului Apararii, Mircea Dusa.

Trap, galop, intr-o pauza de tigara pe la job, am dat peste declaratia prezentata pe actmedia:

So, zburam de ne udam cu apa..

Iaca originalul, in ne-original:

Since the beginning of the crisis in Ukraine, measures have been taken by NATO for the supervision of the airspace of NATO border countries and these AWACS planes that are used for electronic surveillance, together with the MApN aviation execute supervisory missions everyday and air-space policing missions. (…) Since the beginning of the crisis, that NATO AWACS plane is in Romanian airspace and our MiG 21 Lancer fighter jets execute missions daily. The military pilots have not flown in a long time how much they’ve flown in this period

Resursa ei de treaba…


– Iulian Iamandi –