Sankt Petersburg, submarin din clasa Lada

Ruşii au în plan echiparea submarinelor diesel-electrice Kronstadt şi Sevastopol din clasa Project 677 Lada, a căror construire va fi reluată în anul 2013, cu propulsoare noi în locul tradiţionalelor baterii – a declarat directorul general al şantierului naval JSC Admiralteyskie Verfi, Alexander Buzakov.

Construcţia submarinelor Sevastopol şi Kronstadt a fost suspendată de către fostul comandant al Marinei Rusiei, Amiralul Vladimir Vysotsky, din cauză că primul submarin al clasei – St. Petersburg – nu a reuşit să atingă performanţele aşteptate.

Vicktor Chirkov, actualul şef al marinei, a declarat pentru RIA Novosti că după eliminearea tuturor defecţiunilor se va restarta construcţia la cele două submarine ale clasei Lada:

“Completion process of those two subs, I mean Sevastopol and Kronshtadt, has not started yet. Now we are forming price for them with defense ministry. We want these subs to enter State Defense Order 2013, and in the next year we’ll continue works on them”

Cel de-al doilea submarin, SSK Kronstadt, este posibil să fie echipat cu baterii lithium-ion şi ar putea fi gata în anul 2015:

“Speaking of lithium battery, its planting is quite possible, if one believes reports and available materials. We treat this battery as a good substitute for traditional accumulators. Planting of lithium batteries does not need any redesign of the project, they can be easily put in, and the sub would stay under water longer. Manufacturers are working on such battery, and if it is completed on due time, we’ll equip Kronshtadt with it”

Al treilea submarin al clasei Lada, Sevastopol, va fi probabil echipat cu un sistem AIP la care lucrează în prezent Rubin Design Bureau:

“Having designed such powerplant, we would be able to put it only into the third Lada-class submarine, Sevastopol. In contrast to lithium battery, air-independent powerplant requires considerable changes in submarine design. It is a radically different powerplant and a different technology. But both Lada project and air-independent powerplant are in hands of one design bureau, and Rubin will definitely cope with this challenge”,

Sursa: Rusnavy

– Resboiu –

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