Rafale - EC02.030 Normandie Niemen

Dassault Aviation va continua productia de avioane Rafale si va mentine capacitatile industriale de productie – a declarat premierul francez Francois Fillon.

“The extraordinary capabilities of the Rafale were demonstrated in the war in Libya,” Fillon said in a speech at the airbase of Saint-Dizier, eastern France. “France will not resign under any circumstances” to industrial engineering and the skills developed by Dassault, he said, according to a copy of the speech distributed by e-mail from his office.

He added that France is still seeking foreign buyers for the Rafale in India, UAE and Brazil.

Declaratiile lui Fillon contrazic informatiile date de ministrul francez al apararii, Gerard Longuet catre ziarul Le Monde, in data de 7 Decembrie, unde Longuet a spus ca daca nu va fi gasit un cumparator extern, guvernul va stopa finantarea productiei de Rafale, fapt care va duce la inchiderea programului.

Sursa: Blooberg, via Aereo