F-16 in Monte Real

F-16 in Monte Real

Ministrul portughez al Apărării, Aguiar-Branco, a recunoscut Marţi că “există avioane de vânzare” şi că, pe lângă România, şi Bulgaria este de asemenea interesată în achiziţia de avioane portugheze.

“We, in fact, we are dealing with the sale of about ten F16 – can go between nine and 12F16 – this sale is subject to any negotiation. Can be with or Romania can be with Bulgaria, is a process in progress, “

A spus Aguiar-Branco la ceremonia de inaugurare a Comandamentului Maritim de Poliţie Locală din Ponta Delgada, Azore.

Conform ministrului Apărării, decizia “este rezultatul unei raţionalizări logice imediate“. Şi tot Aguiar-Branco mai spune că:

 “not compromise the achievement of the missions by the Air Force and may even come to facilitate and create conditions for the retrofitting of the Force itself Air is stronger than it is right now. ”

“It is an operation done in tune with his own Chief of Staff of the Air Force, so this is a convergent evaluation and a situation in which they can benefit either to the country or to the Air Force in the near future,”

Întrebat de către jurnalişti despre motivele pentru care se renunţă la zece din totalul de 39 avioane F-16 ale Forţelor Aeriene Portugheze, Aguiar-Branco a răspuns:

“If there are conditions to do this kind of operation, it is because the cost-effective it is more advantageous than the situation we had. ” “We must always make an assessment of cost and benefit and opportunity at this time suggests that this assessment is more positive we can make the sale of such equipment. So she goes ahead, with the necessary guarantees of whom were to buy, “

Sursa: Publico.pt

– Iulian Iamandi –