Un nou accident aviatic a avut loc in India.

Resturile aeronavei Su-30MKI

Avionul, un Su-30MKI, a cazut langa Wade-Bholai, la 20Km de Pune, ambii piloti catapultandu-se cu succes. Bucati din epava s-au imprastiat pe raza de un kilometru si pentru moment inca se mai cauta cutia neagra.
“Today at around 1.15 p.m. a Sukhoi fighter jet, which took off from the Lohegaon Air Force Base for a sortie, presumably developed a technical snag and crashed,” a declarat presei comandantul bazei aeriene Air Commodore V. R. Chaudhry.“Two officers – Wing Commander Suhail, who was the pilot and Flight Lieutenant Nautiyal, who was the weapons system operator – ejected out of the aircraft after manoeuvring it over barren land,”
“While the preliminary circumstantial reason could be a technical snag, we are investigating the matter. Both the officers were highly competent. They showed great presence of mind and courage by steering the aircraft towards a safe location and thus avoiding any civilian damage. Both the officers have been taken to the Command Hospital in Pune,” a adaugat Chaudhary.
Cazatura de astazi e a treia in care e implicat un Su-30MKI, de la introducerea in serviciu in 1997.

Pare-se ca de curand au indienii au mai arat glia cu inca un MiG-21Bis…
