Saptamana trecuta, prima a exercitiului Red Flag desfasurat pe Nellis AFB, a fost una plina pentru contingentul suedez. Din punct de vedere al gruparii aeriene, s-au executat mai bine de jumatate din totalul numarului de iesiri planificate pentru cele doua saptamani de exercitiu. Astfel, saptamana trecuta s-au executat un numar de 10 iesiri (doaua pe zi, dintre care una noaptea), pentru ultima saptamana fiind planificate 9. La fiecare iesire suedezii au ridicat 6 avioane, doua ramanand la sol, in rezerva.
Din cele 60 iesiri/avion planificate pentru saptamana trecuta, 10 nu au fost executate: 6 din cauza conditiilor meteo (pentru ca – nu-i asa? – vremea din Nevada nu se compara cu vremea din Scandinavia, asa cum nici iarna nu-i ca vara… ce-i drept) si inca doua din cauza ca pilotii au constatat ca nu toate subsistemele functioneaza perfect. Exceptand cazurile in care (toate) aeronavele participante la exercitiu au fost consemnate la sol din cauza vremii, disponibilitatea tehnica a Gripen C-urilor a fost de 98%. Joi, pe 24 ianuarie conditiile meteo au fost sub baremul minim de siguranta referitor la plafon si vizibilitate impus de organizatorii exercitiului, asa ca toate avioanele au ramas la sol.
Peste 50 de avioane (bombardiere, vanatori, cisterne, avioane de atac, de bruiaj electronic, SEAD sau AWACS) au fost in aer in acelasi timp in cursul operatiunilor COMAO(COMposite Air Operations). Suedezii au facut parte din Blue Force, avand de executat misiuni OCA (Offensive Counter Air – negarea puterii aeriene inamice), DCA (Defensive Counter Air – protectia mijloacelor aeropurtate aliate) precum si misiuni de atac AI (Air Interdiction) sau sprijin aerian apropiat (CAS) – in cursul carora s-a folosit munitie reala (s-au lansat bombe ghidate laser GBU-12 si GBU-49 ghidate dual laser/GPS, respectiv s-a tras cu tunurile Mauser BK-27).
Principalele criterii de evaluare ale exercitiului sunt: siguranta, pierderile proprii, pierderile “inamicului”, pierderi fratricide, respectarea regulilor de angajare (ROE) si pierderile colaterale.
Anders Segerby, comandantul contingentului suedez participant la Red Flag 13-2 afirma ca “inamicul” a reusit sa “doboare” cate un Gripen la fiecare iesire, fie prin mijloace aeriene fie prin mijloace cu baza la sol. Cu toate a acestea s-a reusit in mod repetat combterea vanatorii “inamice” si distrugerea tintelor terestre fara pierderi colaterale. Raportul victorii/pierderi a fost de 10 la unu.
Dupa fiecare misiune in colaborare cu ceilalti participanti Mirage 2000-9, F-15, F-16, F-18, B-52 si F-22, detasamentul tehnic MSE (Mission Support Element), a actualizat baza de date a sistemului de lupta electronica si contramasuri de pe avioanele Gripen, pentru o mai buna avertizare/alarmare impotriva amenintarilor aeropurtate sau de la sol.
Text si foto via blogul Fortelor Aeriene
– Marius Constantin –
Gripenul s-a descurcat cel putin onorabil in aceasta aplicatie.
Mai are inca o saptamana de lucru in desert…
De notat ca suedezii au obtinut rapotul asta de 10 la 1 in conditiile in care . serviciul de “agresor” e asigurat de americani cu F-15 si F-16…
10 la 1? Pilot bragging.
Din acelasi blog:
-Are there any enemy plane you are unable to fight? Have you set the F-22 for example?
-Sorry, this is the kind of questions that we can not or will go into.
dat fiind ca sunt ambele in blue team, ar fi chiar ciudat sa se bata cu F-22…
interesant ca suedezii sunt la al 3-lea Red Flag. La primul i-au luat prin surprindere pe americani, care au programat de atunci foarte multe exercitii cu suedezii:
December 8th, 2006 #49
Just Hatched
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 4
Information about the Gripens performance in Red Flag is scarse. Although some information can be found in “Insats & Försvar” an information news magazine on the Swedish armed forces.
The exercise was a success. The Tango Red Gripens flew for the blue side, and usually four Gripen fighters were flown in each mission, there were a total of 19 missions.
The Red team generally consisted of eight F-15 and F16 fighters, which usually were “reinstated” after they were killed in order to make the exercise more challenging.
The reds also had extensive anti-aircraft units at their disposal, which in different ways simulated a realistic threat towards the blues.
Contingent commander Ken Lindberg -There are many who are curious to know how the Gripen performed during the exercise. I don’t want to present any numbers, but we did very well!
The reason for this is that it is impossible to come to the right conclusions without looking at the specific details for each mission.
-The most important thing is that we more than than enough solved the tasks we were given for each mission, which was made in cooperation with the forces of other participating nations.
The Gripens flew a total 346 hours over 225 flights. Of 103 planned flights, 98 were actually flown. Four flights were cancelled due to bad weather which grounded the entire 35th Air Expeditionary Wing. And another flight were cancelled because of a faulty Litening pod.
A spare aircraft had to be used on only four occasions.
The total avaliability of the Gripens during the exercise was 99%.
I have personally spoken to some of the people of F17 staff, and the general consensus is that(exact translation) the Gripens kicked a**.
One thing that really stood out was the difficulty in detecting the Gripens on radar which proved to be close to impossible. The radar controllers were very impressed with the Gripens inbuilt jamming systems, it made them pretty much invulnerable. There were losses on the blue side in every mission, but AFAIK none of them were Tango Red’s Gripens.
si inca un comentariu interesant gasit pe forumul din 2006, are si aspecte critice privind autonomia de zbor mai redusa decat la CF-18, dar zice ca toti pilotii prezenti au fost impresionati cu avionul suedez:
New Member
I personally am not a fighter pilot or in the millitary aircraft industry but one of my best friends is. He is a CF -18 or if your a Canadian the CF- 118 and is currently stationed with 4 wing/ 409 squadron at Cold Lake Alberta. He was at this Red Flag in Alaska so I asked him to comment on the Grippen. His comments was that it preform better in some aspects and missions than the 18 did but in others it did not. In ACM missions it preformed very well, but its lack of staying power was a draw back ( what ever staying power means, I did not ask and would not have gotten an answer to anyways ) He said over all most of the pilots there where impressed or at least had changed some of there opinions about the aircraft and since they the ones that would know what there talking about, I would say that statement says the most. His most important comment was that it’s the pilot that make the aircraft not the other way around and the swedish pilots where of a very high standard as he put it ( more fighter pilot speak LOL ). So over all he said it held it own in most missions and he would take it to war if he had too.
Daca nu picteaza un profil de F-22 pe bordul la Gripen, cum au facut germanii la ultimul Red Flag suedezii nu sunt „baieți de comitet”.
Asa cum bine a punctat Mad Max, suedezii fac parte din echipa albastra, la fel ca si zburatorii de F-22. Ar putea picta in schimb siluete de F-16 sub carligile Gripen-urilor 😀