In caz ca v-ati intrebat “cine o cumpara avioanele F-16 olandeze, daca nu romanasii?”, tin sa va linistesc. S-a gasitara unii cu rogodei de cheltuit…
Ministerul olandez al apararii intentioneaza asadar sa vanda 15 avioane F-16 si 52 rachete aer-sol Maverick catre Iordania.
Partile si-au strans mainile si timp de o luna, pana la sesiunea de autografe, vor exersa semnaturile.
Deci, iordanii doresc sa intre in şenghen. Sau UE.
Apropos de din astea ale lumii cu obrazul subtire si purtare aleasa:
The sale was judged on several criteria of the EU and passed the test. An important criterion is if it will have any consequences for the human rights in the receiving country.
Since Jordan is located besides Syria, the situation at the moment of the delivery, will be judged.
Semnatura dulce, mult aduce: se lasa cu treninguri pentru mentinatori si folositori:
The signing of the contract will probably done next month. Included in the sales will also be training of the maintenance and use of the jet fighters.
Incepand cu 2015.
Sursa: Asian Defense
– Iulian Iamandi –
Pe cine mai intereseaza ? Pe noi in niciun caz.
DefenseNews ne spune ceea ce ne intereseaza.
Lockheed Martin has reached final agreement on the sixth and seventh batch of F-35 Joint Strike Fighters, for the first time dropping the cost of an F-35A conventional variant below $100 million.
The F-35A conventional takeoff and landing (CTOL) model cost $103 million per jet in LRIP-6 and $98 million per jet in LRIP 7.
The F-35B jump-jet variant cost $109 million per jet in LRIP-6 and $104 million per jet in LRIP-7.
The F-35C carrier variant cost $120 million per jet in LRIP-6 and $116 million per jet in LRIP-7.
si la ce pret s-a ajuns?
Probabil aflăm atunci când se va face tranzacția. Oricum tind să cred că nu vor fi modernizate. Iordanienii parcă mai au F-16 MLU ex-olandeze.
Cred ca la aia le tatzaie fundul ca vine nea Asaad sa le dea peste deste daca termina cu rebelii…