Unul dintre “indragitele” avioane F-35 Lightning II a executat o lansare cu o bomba inteligenta GBU-12 (Guided Bomb Unit) Paveway II ghidata laser, din cala interna de armament, impotriva unei tinte statice pozitionate la sol.
Testul a avut loc pe 29 Octombrie in poligonul de teste al Edwards AFB, California.
Sistemul EOTS (Electro-Optical Targeting System) a permis pilotului sa identifice tinta, sa o marcheze si sa ghideze bomba GBU-12 pe tinta.
– Iulian Iamandi –
The F-35 Lightning II executed its first live-fire launch of a guided air-to-air missile over a military test range off the California coast on Oct. 30.
The AIM-120 advanced medium range air-to-air missile (AMRAAM) was fired from an F-35A (AF-6) conventional take-off and landing (CTOL) variant fighter operating from the F-35 Integrated Test Facility at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif.