Lada SSK

Lada SSK

Evaluarea operationala a submarinului rusesc St. Petersburg, apartinand clasei Lada, a indeplinit cerintele militarilor si va fi completata pana la finalul acestui an.

Declaratia fost facuta de catre Igor Vilnit, CEO al Biroului Central de Proiectare Rubin pentru Inginerie Maritima.

“As far as we know, the Russian Navy is planning to complete the submarine’s operational evaluation this year. The results have met expectations and confirmed that submarines of this type will be considerably prospective.”

De-a lungul a sase ani de evaluare ani de evaluare operationala, mecanismele submarinului au fost verificate, submarinul fiind folosit atat in tactici cat si pentru pregatirea personalului.

“Initially, the Lada-class submarine was planned to be the most advanced ship. New military hardware was developed for this submarine and it was necessary to test it.”

A declarat Igor Vilnit, adaugand:

“Considering the operational evaluation and the fact that advanced radio electronic equipment and other systems were developed, the Rubin Design Bureau has worked out an improved project being used by the Admiralty Wharves Shipyard [in St. Petersburg in northwest Russia] to build two ships of the same type.”

Submarinul St. Petersburg este singurul submarin operational din clasa Project 677 in cadrul Marinei Rusiei.

Constructia submarinului a inceput in anul 1997, iar in 2010 acesta a fost livrat Marinei.

Alte doua submarine, Kronstadt si Velikiye Luki sunt in prezent in faza de constructie in santierul naval din St. Petersburg.

Constructorii rusi se asteapta ca in 2018 sa fie semnat contractul pentru un al patrulea submarin apartinand clasei Lada.


Sursa: Navy Recognition

Iulian Iamandi