Ban Ki-moon

Ban Ki-moon

Actiunile militare impotriva Siriei neaprobate de catre Consiliul de Securitate al ONU echivaleaza cu violul asupra legilor internationale, zice Ban Ki-moon fancadu-ma sa ma intreb precum Stalin: cate divizii de tancuri are Ban Ki-moon?

“As I have repeatedly said, the Security Council has primary responsibility for international peace and security,”

Asa le-a povestit secretarul general al ONU jurnalistilor, adaugand:

“The use of force is lawful only when in exercise of self-defense in accordance with article 51 of the United Nations Charter and or when the Security Council approves such action,”

“I take note of the argument for action to prevent a future use of chemical weapons,” Ban said. “At the same time, we must consider the impact of any punitive measure on efforts to prevent further bloodshed and facilitate the political resolution of the conflict.”

Rusia, care are drept de veto in cadrul Consiliului de Securitate al ONU… dar cui ii pasa si de aspectul asta? Deja se joaca pe sah-uri si presiuni. Oare cum ar fi sa asistam la o dezbinare a ONU?

Vorbe si doar vorbe:

“This is a larger issue than the conflict in Syria,”  “This is about our collective responsibility to humankind. Whatever the source, this latest escalation should be a wake-up call for the international community.”

Nea’ Ban Ki-moon, sorry dar la mijloc e faza cu ciorditul unui ciricliu baro asa ca s-ar putea sa nu iti iasa cu trasul deciziei pe linia matale.

Sursa: RIA Novosti


– Iulian Iamandi –