Distrugator... imperialist :)

Distrugator… imperialist 🙂

Vineri, dupa declaratia secretarului apararii Chuck Hagel cum ca Pentagonul muta forte navale in vecinatatea Siriei pentru a fi la indemana presedintelui Hussein al SUA, care ar putea dori sa aiba optiuni militare, doua distrugatoare americane au primit ordin de ramanere in Estul Mediteranei.

Un oficial militar de rang inalt a declarat pentru NBC News ca seful US Navy a dordonat distrugatoarelor USS Mahan si USS Rampage sa intarzie prin Estul Mediteranei cateva zile in plus, in caz ca este nevoie de ele…

Ambele nave aveau in program parasirea zonei in scurt timp.

The defense official  said the Fleet Commander’s decision was “prudent thinking” because he was not ordered by anyone in Washington to make the order.


“There is less there than meets the eye,” a mai adaugat oficialul.

Sursa: Wavy

Daaaar, cica nu-i a buna:

“CBS News has learned that the Pentagon is making the initial preparations for a cruise missile attack on Syrian government forces. We say “initial preparations” because such an attack won’t happen until the president gives the green light. And it was clear during an interview on CNN Friday that he is not there yet.

“If the U.S. goes in and attacks another country, without a U.N. mandate and without clear evidence that can be presented,” the president told CNN, “then there are questions in terms of whether international law supports it — ‘do we have the coalition to make it work?’ Those are considerations that we have to take into account.””

Secsi, nu?

Bine o zice Eric Palmer:

Curious how cruise missiles will help change a warfare environment where there is already significant rubble. And what targets? The Syrian military is largely dispersed.  Much of its’ heavy equipment is in a poor state. Maybe those now empty targets after telegraphing the punch over the news?

Sursa: ELPDefenseNews

Deci, daca tragem linie… cu ce raspuns ne raspundem? Va fi sau nu va fi?


– Iulian Iamandi –