T-72B3 (via Wiki)

T-72B3 (via Wiki)

Alexander Lukashevich, purtatorul de cuvant al Ministerului Rus al Apararii a declarat azi ca planurile NATO de dislocare a unor militari in Romania sunt neadecvate si instiga la confruntari.

“In fact, it is a sequential transformation of the country into another supportive foothold for the United States and NATO close to the Russian border. We have repeatedly commented on such steps by NATO member states, noting their confrontational manner and stressing their inadequacy and redundancy, both militarily and financially,”a mai declarat  Lukashevich.

Potrivit lui Lukashevich, Guvernul Roman sacrifica securitatea in regiune fiind de acord cu dislocarea de personal NATO pe teritoriul tarii.

“One is tempted to conclude that the current Romanian authorities, in order to raise their ‘profile’ in the eyes of the overseas strategists… are willing to sacrifice maintenance of stability in the Black Sea region for tactical reasons,” a mai declarat Lukashevich.

Nimic despre trupele ruse stationate oficial in Transnistria…

Tot de la Est aflam ca tancuri modernizate la standardul T-72B3 au intrat in dotarea unitatilor din componenta Districtului Militar Vest.

RIA Novosti